Should You Hug Your Dog?

If there is one thing that dogs are known for, it’s their ability to love unconditionally. They do not care if you shower them with gifts, take them out to a fancy restaurant, or buy them the latest gadgets. They love you like you’re the only person in the world. And, of course, they love to snuggle. There’s even a name for that: “doggy kisses.” So, when your dog so much as looks at you like a furry, four-legged version of yourself, it’s easy to hug them. But should you?

Dogs Do Not Like Hugs

Dogs and hugs don’t always mix. They are independent and social beings, and a lot of them may love to be cuddled, but there’s one thing they don’t enjoy: hugs. But should you hug your dog? While most dogs do not mind the occasional hug, the behavior has risks. If a dog is not overly affectionate, it could lead to problems like fear and aggression. So, should you give your dog a hug?

Is it Safe to Hug Dogs?

Dogs have always been considered man’s best friend. But does hugging a dog put your health at risk? The short answer is yes. While it may put you in a protective, loving, and relaxed mood, it may also expose you to some nasty germs. Not to mention dogs might cause you injury because hugs can cause discomfort to some dogs.

How to Know When Your Dog Is Uncomfortable

When it comes to hugging dogs, the rules are different for different people, and while hugging your own dog might be the norm, you should never force any other dog to accept it.

If your dog cringes, stiff body, and the head is turned away, licking at the nose, paw raised, and tail tucked at the thought of cuddling, snuggles, and kisses, it is probably safe to assume he’s not comfortable with physical affection. But that does not mean dogs don’t enjoy human touch. It just means that their body language says no at that point in time.

Train Your Dog to Tolerate Hugs

If you find that your furry friend is a bit hard-headed when it comes to receiving hugs, there’s hope! With a bit of patience and practice, you can gently introduce your dog to the idea of hugging. If you’re looking for some guidance on this journey, consider taking the help of a professional dog training service providers like Balanced Obedience. Trainers can provide valuable insights and techniques to help your dog become more comfortable with affectionate gestures like hugs. With a little practice, your dogs will learn to accept hugs from friends and family.

Benefits of Hugging Your Dog

Enough with the bad canine rep; let’s talk about hugs benefits. How often do you think about all the health benefits of hugging your dog? Probably not very often, considering how common canines are. However, there are several health benefits that can be gained by hugging your dog.

Positive Impact on Health

Dogs are man’s best friends for a reason. Not only are they full of love and affection for their owners, but they can also be great emotional support animals for people suffering from depression and other mental health issues. But what many people do not know is that hugging your dog can have a positive impact on your health as well.

Emotional Healing

Dogs are man’s best friend, and man’s best friend is the best therapy. Is there anything better than coming home to a happy, excited tail-wagging dog, and sharing your daily pain with a furry animal who simply wants attention?


We are more alike than we may think. Humans and dogs have a lot in common. We share the same essential needs, like food, shelter, water, safety, and protection. And one of the biggest commonalities between humans and dogs is… Yes, they provide us with comfort.

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